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Enchanted Princess (12th-16th August 2022) - Day 3, Sea Day

Writer's picture: Lizzy and LauraLizzy and Laura

We made the most of the day at sea, by starting with a bit of a lie in. It was another hot, sunny day and when we left the cabin we discovered that the outside areas were extremely crowded. People had even used their towels to reserve the tables and chairs by the bars and the Salty Dog Grill. We'd never seen anything like it before and decided to spend our day indoors. We're not sunbathers anyway and you wont find us in the pool so it wasn't a big loss for us. Therefore, we headed to the Piazza for a drink, where a Rumba class was taking place. We didn't join in but we enjoyed watching it. One man in particular was having a great time learning the dance and his enthusiasm was contagious!

After this, we headed into the buffet and enjoyed a fantastic lunch. There was a massive selection of different foods, which we struggled to pick between and we found that the drinks service was fast. Next, we decided to have a look around the shops. We collect fridge magnets from our travels and always buy magnets for ourselves and our mum from each ship and port that we visit. We were very disappointed that there weren't any ship specific magnets in the shop, we had to settle for a Stanley Bear magnet each instead. Cute, but not what we wanted. There also weren't any pens to be found, which left another customer disappointed. Oddly enough, the majority of the merchandise for sale in the shop related to Norway. This seemed a very odd choice given that the sailing before ours had been to France and Spain and the sailing after was going to the Canaries.

Nothing else took our fancy in the shops, so we made our way back to the Piazza where we found a seat near to Good Spirits at Sea. We spent most of our afternoon there, enjoying music from the band and people watching. It was very busy in the Piazza area and it appeared that the staff were handling it a bit better than on previous days. Tables were being cleared more quickly, so quickly that one guest had their drink cleared away when they went to dance. During our time on Enchanted Princess, we felt like there was a missing venue, which led to most spaces feeling crowded and busy. It took us a while to put our finger on it but during our day at sea, we realised that what was missing for us was a 'Crows Nest' style lounge. There wasn't anywhere that we could find that we could sit indoors that had a more relaxing atmosphere.

We stayed in the Piazza until early evening, as we were well positioned for the Good Spirits at Sea experience. While we watched, a waiter recommended us both a cocktail. Both of them were very strong and neither were to our tastes but it was an interesting watch. That evening, it was 'Dress to Impress' night so we were also in a good position to see what others were wearing who were heading for an early dinner. We hadn't been too sure how people would interpret the dress code so had both bought a couple of options onboard with us.

After a freshen up and outfit change in our cabin we were ready for dinner. This evening we were going to try the main dining room for the first time this cruise and hadn't pre booked. We were a bit nervous that there would be a long wait and we weren't actually sure which dining room we were supposed to be going to. We couldn't find anything to tell us which dining room was available for walk ins on the app or in any of the in cabin paperwork. After a walk around, we asked a member of staff who directed us to Santorini, and we were seated straight away next to a window.

While we enjoyed another great meal, we had a lovely view of the sunset. Drinks service was again quite quick and we followed our waiters suggestion to order two glasses of wine before our meal as we'd struggle to get a second glass part way though. During the cruise, we found the wine selection to be quite poor. Often, we were only able to select a variety of wine rather than a specific wine and there were times when we weren't convinced that we had been served what had been ordered.

After dinner, we went to the late show at the theatre where the fantastic Mobo put on a great show. This very talented vocal group had everybody up on their feet dancing along to some brilliant song choices. We really enjoyed this show and would definitely recommend seeing Mobo if you get the chance. Check out our 'Enchanted' highlight on our Instagram page if you want to see a clip of their performance.

After we left the theatre, we headed to Take Five where we were lucky enough to catch the last set. It was very busy in there, but we were able to find a seat at the bar which meant that we didn't have an empty glass all night. We stayed in there until well after closing and the staff continued to serve drinks until they were called to to go and help in Vista Lounge. While we were sat at the bar we also discovered the only pink gin to be found on the ship. It was nice to have something different to drink after a few days that had involved lots of Malibu and Diet Coke. Take Five is a lovely venue with an intimate feel and it was also obvious that the staff really enjoyed working in there.

When we got back to our cabin at the end of the night, we had a look out on the balcony and it was extremely foggy. The foghorn was sounding and visibility was very poor. It wasn't looking good for our call to Guernsey the following day!


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